日本語の後に英語が続きます – English follows Japanese
弦楽器部門 日本予選
① アマチュア(初心者)部門 ② プロフェッショナル(上級者)部門
GSIMC (ゴールドスター国際音楽コンクール)はマレーシアで音楽教育事業を推進するClaviera社が主催し、主にアジア太平洋地域の幼少児から若い世代までの音楽を愛するすべての人たちが国際的な環境の中で演奏する経験を培い、それを将来に広く活かす場を提供するために開設された国際音楽コンクールです。2024年に初めて日本で予選が開催されました。
名誉顧問 :
川染雅嗣 Masashi Kawasome: 昭和音楽大学教授
一方80年代にはニュー・エイジ・ミュージックの分野にも活動の場を広げ、作・編曲者およびピアニストとして「雲(ル・ノアージュ)」「丘の四季―富良野・美瑛」「WHITE FANTASY」の3枚のアルバム(いずれも日本コロムビア)をリリースしている。
審査員 :
・現在はU 演奏家協会会員
宮坂万里 Mari Miyasaka: ヴァイオリニスト
国立音楽大学 器楽学科ヴァイオリン専攻卒業。
上田アンサンブル・オーケストラ サブコンサートミストレス。「音工房クララプレーヤーズ」。
Ian Goh: ピアニスト、作曲家、マレーシア ピアノ協会会長
2008年にアメリカのミズーリ州立大学協奏曲コンクールで優勝後、フアニータ・K・ハモンズ・ホール(アメリカ)でピアノ協奏曲デビューを果たし、オリジナル・コンポジション・フェスティバルでロバート・ケッベマン氏の指揮によりパトリック・ブラウンのピアノとオーケストラのための幻想変奏曲を初演。また、クアラルンプール舞台芸術センターオーケストラ、Sixteen Strings弦楽四重奏団、DSCH弦楽四重奏団、Debonair(マルチピアノアンサンブル) など、数々のオーケストラやアンサンブルとも共演。
最新の委嘱作品に、合唱団と弦楽オーケストラのための『Loving Life』(マレーシアのクアラルンプールで開催されたアジアパシフィック芸術祭2018の開会式で初演。この作品はベトナムとカンボジアでも上演されている)、『Wind Gust(s)』ピアノソロ曲(中国煙台のキングスバーグ国際ピアノコンクール2018からの特別委嘱作品)がある。
これまでにNg Chong Lim、Wei-Han Su、ジュリアン・マーティン、バリー・シンダー、エンリコ・エリシの各師に師事。
2024.2.24 [土]
12:00 開始 (11:30 開場)
〒162-0062 東京都新宿区市谷加賀町2-5-26
アクセス:東京メトロ 大江戸線 牛込柳町駅より徒歩8分
加賀町ホール 地図
- 参加料 会場審査 10,000円[税込] ビデオ審査 5,000円[税込]
* ホールによる審査も、ビデオ審査も同じ審査員により同じ条件で審査されます。
* ホールに来場されて演奏される会場審査の対象者の方には、審査員からのコメント、終了後の参加証明書の授与、入賞者に対する授賞式、舞台での集合写真の撮影の特典があります。
* ビデオ審査につきましては下記のビデオ投稿ガイドラインの項に詳細にご案内がありますので、それに従ってビデオ撮影と投稿をお願い致します。
* 開催中止の場合を除き、参加申込み後のキャンセルはお受けしていません。
対象年齢 | 弦楽器 ソロ | ヴァイオリン協奏曲 * | |
アマチュア(初心者) | プロフェッショナル(上級者) | ||
8歳以下 | 自由曲(2分以内) | 自由曲(3 ~ 4分) | ヴィヴァルディ ヴァイオリン協奏曲 イ短調 Op.3-6~ 第1楽章 |
9~12歳 | 自由曲(3分以内) | 自由曲(4 ~ 5分) | |
13~17歳 | 自由曲(4分以内) | 自由曲(5 ~ 6分) | ベリオ ヴァイオリン協奏曲 第9番 イ短調 O. 104 ~ 第1楽章 |
18~35歳 | 自由曲(5分以内) | 自由曲(6 ~ 7分) | メンデルスゾーン ヴァイオリン協奏曲 ホ短調 Op.64 ~ 第1楽章 または
モーツァルト ヴァイオリン協奏曲 第3番 ト長調 K.216 ~ 第1楽章 |
* 参加者の属する年齢区分は、誕生月に関係なく、生まれ年によって決定されます。(例)1989年生まれ = 35歳
* 実際の年齢よりも上のクラスのカテゴリーに参加することも可能です。
* 異なる複数のカテゴリー(例えばソロと協奏曲の両方)にそれぞれ応募することも可能です。
* 演奏する曲はオリジナルの全曲が制限時間以内に収まらない場合は、部分的に省略して演奏することも可能です。
* 弦楽器ソロでピアノ伴奏があるレパートリーを選択した場合は、応募者がピアノ伴奏者を選定して一緒にご参加ください。
* ヴァイオリン協奏曲のオーケストラ・パートはピアノ伴奏となり、応募者がピアノ伴奏者を選定して一緒にご参加ください。
* 日本予選でのそれぞれのカテゴリーの金賞受賞者は、マレーシア・クアラルンプールで開催される本選(グランド・ファイナル)に進出する特権を獲得します。
提出先メールアドレス: info@kazelfacorp.com
提出先郵送アドレス: 〒206-0021 東京都多摩市連光寺1-14-2 KAZELFA株式会社 GSIMC日本予選事務局 宛
[お問合せ] GSIMC日本予選事務局 KAZELFA (カゼルファ)株式会社 野本
TEL: 042-372-8860 MAIL: info@kazelfacorp.com
Organizer: Claviera Music, Co-Organizer KAZELFA Corporation
本選 及び ガラ・コンサート
2024.4.19 [金] -21 [日]
マレーシア クアラルンプール舞台芸術センター klpac
- 参加料
対象年齢 | アマチュア(初心者) | プロフェッショナル(上級者) |
8歳以下 | USD 70 [税込] | USD 100 [税込] |
9~12歳 | USD 80 [税込] | USD 120 [税込] |
13~17歳 | USD 90 [税込] | USD 140 [税込] |
18~35歳 | USD 100 [税込] | USD 150 [税込] |
* 年齢によるカテゴリー別に参加料は異なります。
* 開催中止の場合を除き、参加申込み後のキャンセルはお受けしていません。
* 現地への渡航費用は、別途参加者ご自身でご負担ください。なお事務局で現地への渡航のサポート(フライト、ホテル、移動方法などに関するアドバイス)を行いますのでご希望の方はご連絡ください。
対象年齢 | 弦楽器 ソロ | ヴァイオリン協奏曲 | |
アマチュア(初心者) | プロフェッショナル(上級者) | ||
8歳以下 | 自由曲(3分以内) | 自由曲(5分以内) | ヴィヴァルディ ヴァイオリン協奏曲 イ短調 Op.3-6~ 第1楽章 |
9~12歳 | 自由曲(4分以内) | 自由曲(7分以内) | |
13~17歳 | 自由曲(6分以内) | 自由曲(10分以内) | ベリオ ヴァイオリン協奏曲 第9番 イ短調 O. 104 ~ 第1楽章 |
18~35歳 | 自由曲(7分以内) | 自由曲(12分以内) | メンデルスゾーン ヴァイオリン協奏曲 ホ短調 Op.64 ~ 第1楽章 または
モーツァルト ヴァイオリン協奏曲 第3番 ト長調 K.216 ~ 第1楽章 |
* 参加者の属する年齢区分は、誕生月に関係なく、生まれ年によって決定されます。(例)1989年生まれ = 35歳
* プロフェッショナル(上級者)の場合、制限時間以内であれば一曲でなく複数の曲を演奏することが可能です。
* 演奏する曲はオリジナルの全曲が制限時間以内に収まらない場合は、部分的に省略して演奏することも可能です。
* 弦楽器ソロでピアノ伴奏があるレパートリーを選択した場合は、応募者がピアノ伴奏者を選定して一緒にご参加ください。
* ヴァイオリン協奏曲のオーケストラ・パートはピアノ伴奏となり、応募者がピアノ伴奏者を選定して一緒にご参加されるか、または現地で主催者が指定するピアニストの伴奏で演奏するか選択できます。
* ヴァイオリン協奏曲の本選での入賞者は、ガラ・コンサートでクアラルンプール舞台芸術センターオーケストラとの共演する機会が与えられます。
* 本選で金賞を授与された優勝者には最終日に開催予定のガラ・コンサートに出演して演奏する機会が与えられます。
2024年3月19日(火)23:00 (日本時間)
- 資格:
2024 年ゴールドスター国際音楽コンクールはあらゆる国籍の参加者を歓迎します。
- 参加料:
- 審査員による審査の決定:
- 審査員との連絡:
- 年齢層の決定:
参加者の属する年齢区分は、誕生月に関係なく、生まれ年によって決定されます。(例)1992年生まれ = 32歳
- 応募の完了:
- レパートリー(演奏曲目)の変更:
- 日本予選でのオプション
後述の 「ビデオ動画投稿ガイドライン」をご覧ください。
- 本選(マレーシア・クアラルンプールで開催されるグランド・ファイナル)への進出:
- グランド・ファイナル登録:
参加資格を得た対象者は、改めてグランド・ファイナルへの再登録プロセスを完了する必要があります。 本選へのエントリーは自動的には行われないため、ファイナリストは参加を確認する必要があります。
- グランド・ファイナルへの登録締め切り
グランド・ファイナルの登録締め切りは、2024年3月19日 23:00 (日本時間)です。
- グランド・ファイナルでの規則、運営の言語の矛盾プロトコル: 英語版の優先条項
- レパートリーの選択:
- 対象となる時代:
- 制限時間:
- 曲数制限:
- パフォーマンスとリピート:
本選(グランド・ファイナル)では選択された曲は省略せずに完全に演奏する必要があります。 作品の中での繰り返しの選択は参加者の裁量に任されています。 ただし、ダ・カーポとダル・セーニョはすべて指示に従ってください。日本予選の場合はこれらの厳密な制限はありません。
- 本選(グランド・ファイナル)の曲の選択:
- 暗譜:
暗譜は推奨されますが、日本予選では必須ではありません。 追加点も与えられません。
- 審査員の裁量:
GSIMC (ゴールドスター国際音楽コンクール)の審査員は、以下の権利を留保します。
- 判断に十分だと思われる場合は、演奏の一部を聴いただけで採点することがあります。
- 国際規定に従い、最低必要ポイントに達していない場合は特典を保留することがあります。
- 同点の場合は、複数で同じ賞を決定するか、または引き分けの場合は同点を解消することがあります。
- 最低必要ポイント:
金賞 – 80点以上
銀賞 – 70点以上
銅賞 – 60 点以上
優勝:90 ポイント以上を獲得し、カテゴリー内で最高得点を獲得した参加者に授与されます。
- カテゴリーの調整:
- 公開ラウンドとオブザーバー:
- 責任と権利:
- コンプライアンスと受諾:
- ビデオ審査のビデオ動画の投稿期限が2024年2月21日(水)23:59まで延期されました。
- 楽器とチューニング:
- はじめに:
- ビデオカメラの配置:
録画には 1 台のビデオカメラを使用します。
- 連続録画:
パフォーマンス全体は、カットや編集を行わずに、1 つの連続テイクで記録する必要があります。
鮮明さと品質を確保するために、ビデオ解像度は 720p 未満であってはなりません。
ビデオを YouTube にアップロードするか (推奨)、またはGoogle ドライブ、Dropbox、または他の実行可能なプラットフォームを利用して投稿ください。投稿後に事務局にビデオをアップロードしたことをご連絡ください。
- 違反による失格:
Gold Star International Music Competition (GSIMC) 2024
Strings Solo (Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Harp) & Violin Concerto
Preliminary Competition in Japan
Video Screening is also available for Preliminary Competition in Japan
① Amateur ② Professional
Gold Star International Music Competition (GSIMC) is organized by Claviera, a company that promotes music education in Malaysia, and is aimed at all music lovers from infants to young generation of people mainly in the Asia-Pacific region in an international environment. This is an international music competition that is established to provide a place for participants to make use of their performance skills in the future. In 2024, the preliminary rounds were held in Japan for the first time.
Honorary Adviser:
Masashi Kawasome: Professor, Showa Music University, Pianist
Masashi Kawasome was born in Hokkaido (Japan) and began studying piano at the age of four. While studying in the faculty of music of the privileged Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku (Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music), he won the Music Piano Prize of the 24th Cultural Broadcasting “Bunkahoso” Competition. Shortly after he had graduated from the Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku in 1978, he entered the Fryderyk Chopin Music Academy (the present Fryderyk Chopin University of Music) in Warsaw and continued his studies giving recitals in Europe. In 1980 he took a part in the 10th Frederick Chopin International Piano Competition and received a diploma.
As soon as he went back to Japan in 1981, he started to give recitals including performances with orchestras and chamber music concerts. Since 1999 he has been participating in the Ajigasawa Music Festival “amf” in Aomori as a senior producer in order to promote chamber music. In recognition of his cultivation and promotion of classical music he was awarded the Ajigasawa Cultural Prize in 2008.
Interested in New Age Music, he not only performed but also composed or arranged some pieces of this music category. His CDs of “Le nuage”, “White fantasy” and “Four seasons on the hill in Furano-biei” were released by NIPPON COLOMBIA.
He wrote books such as “How to make rapid progress at the piano” (by CHOPIN) and “Dictionary of piano works of Frederic Chopin” (by DOREMI MUSIC) among others. His lecture on “How to make rapid progress at the piano” has been given in many Japanese cities. He is a regular member of Piano Teachers’ National Association “PTNA” and also member of Japan Piano Teachers Association and teaches at the Music Academy of Showa as a professor. He also acts as a juror of various competitions both in Japan and abroad every year and he is a president of Japan Arensky Society.
Hiromi Kiuchi was born in Japan. Graduated from Musashino Academia Musicae (Violin)..
From the age of three, she received violin instruction from Shinichi Suzuki, founder of the Suzuki Method. Afterwards, she studied under Tatsuo Uzuka, Eijin Nimura, Ferdinand Lichnevsky, and Louis Glerer. After graduating from Nagano Seisen Jogakuin High School, she majored in violin at Musashino Academia Musicae. While she was in school, she was selected to perform at a concert. She joined a public lesson by Prague Quartet in Japan. She is a member of the Musashino Academia Musicae Orchestra, where she was recommended by the concertmistress.
As for her activities after graduation, she formed the soprano, violin, and piano trio “Mellow Days”.
・Currently a member of the U Performers Association
・Ueda Ensemble Orchestra Concert Mistress
She is a member of Otokobo Kurara Players and has appeared in many concerts. She has performed in solo ensembles and concertos with the Ueda Ensemble Orchestra at “Hiromi Kiuchi Violin Marathon 4-Hour Live”, “Kurara’s Good Night Concert”, “Czech Festival”, and concerts sponsored by the U Musicians Association. She is a violin instructor and a judge in the string instrument section of the Japan National Music Competition. She is a lecturer at Nagano Prefecture Senior University.
As a songwriter, she has written and composed a wide range of nursery rhymes, including “Sumiyoshi Shiki no Irodori”, a song commemorating the 1800th anniversary of the Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine in Osaka, and “Sanada Samurai”. She has won many songwriting competitions.
Mari Miyasaka was born in Japan. Graduated from Kunitachi College of Music (Violin)
She studied under Moriya Hamamura, Eiko Sanpei, and Tadashi Hori.
Ueda Ensemble Orchestra’s sub-concert mistress. “Otokobo Kurara Players”.
As a member of the Marley Quartet, she performs as a solo ensemble at wedding halls and local facilities.
Major concerts in recent years:
“Spring Color Debut Concert,” “Choral Song Inst-live,” “Otsukimi Concert,” etc.
She is currently teaching violin at her own classroom.
Ian Goh: Pianist, Composer, & Artistic Director
Ian Goh Bin Wei, a native of Malaysia, has appeared in recitals as soloist and chamber musician in United States, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Malaysia. He made his piano concerto debut at Juanita K. Hammons Hall (USA) after winning the Missouri State University Concerto Competition in 2008, and premiered Fantasy Variations for Piano and Orchestra by Patrick Brown under the baton of Dr. Robert Quebbeman at the Original Composition Festival in the same year. He has also worked with other orchestras and ensembles including Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre Orchestra, Sixteen Strings String Quartet, DSCH String Quartet, Debonair (multi-piano ensemble), etc. He was a recipient of numerous honours and awards, including the Missouri State University Music Department Performance Award for four consecutive years, Peter Collins Piano Scholarship, Keifer-Young Memorial Keyboard Scholarship and Missouri Music Teachers National Association Piano Competition for two consecutive years. In 2008, he was featured in the recital series at Bowdoin International Music Festival in Boston, USA.
He is frequently invited to serve as an adjudicator for international piano competitions and music festivals, including the Macao Piano Competition (Macau), the La Pianista International Piano Competition (Indonesia), the International Classical and Traditional Music Compeition (Taiwan), the Putra International Piano Competition (Malaysia), Asia Pacific Arts Festival (Singapore), the HKYPAF Hong Kong International Youth Performance Arts Festival (Hong Kong), GMC Music Festival (Hong Kong), SunMusic Piano Festival (Vietnam), and many other music competitions held in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, and Malaysia. He is also a juror of World Piano Teachers Association – International Piano Competition (Serbia) for both Piano Performance and Piano Composition categories. Other than his involvement as an adjudicator, he is also very much in demand as a teacher, and has given lectures, workshops and piano masterclasses throughout Asia. He is also regularly invited as a guest examiner by music institutes and universities.
As a versatile composer, he has composed works of different genres, from classical to contemporary. His most recent commissioned work include “Loving Life” for Choir and String Orchestra (premiered at opening ceremony of Asia Pacific Arts Festival 2018, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; this work has also been performed in Vietnam and Cambodia), and “Wind Gust(s)” for Piano Solo (specially commissioned by the Kingsburg International Piano Competition 2018, Yantai, China). His principal mentors include Ng Chong Lim and Dr. Wei-Han Su. He also studied with renowned pianists including Julian Martin, Barry Synder, Enrico Elisi, etc. He graduated from Missouri State University in Piano Performance, and also holds the Fellowship Diploma in Piano Performance from Trinity College of Music, the Licentiate and the Recital Diplomas from Guildhall School of Music & Drama.
Ian Goh is the President of World Piano Teachers Association Malaysia (WPTA Malaysia), the Founder and Artistic Director of The Fathomage Project (a project that organises recitals and masterclasses internationally), the founding member of Debonair (a multi-piano ensemble), the Artistic Director of Putra International Piano Competition, and the Chairman of Jury for Asia Pacific Arts Festival. Ian Goh is also the Vice-principal and Head of Piano at Clavier Music Studio (Malaysia).
Preliminary Competition in Japan
12:00, Saturday, 24th February, 2024
Kagacho Hall, Tokyo
Kagacho Hall Map
- Fees: Live screening at the hall JPY 10,000 [including tax] Video Screening JPY 5,000 [including tax]
* Both hall and video screenings will be judged by the same judges under the same conditions.
* Those who come to the hall to perform on the stage will receive benefits such as comments from the judges, a certificate of participation after the event, an award ceremony for the winners, and the privilege of taking a group photo on stage.
* Detailed information regarding video screening is provided in the video submission guidelines section below, so please follow these guidelines when shooting and submitting your video.
* We do not accept cancellations after submission of the application except in the case of event cancellation.
Ages and Repertoire
Ages | Strings Solo | Viloin Concerto * | |
Amateur | Professional | ||
8 & UNDER | One Piece within 2 Minutes | One Piece Between 3 to 4 Minutes | Vivaldi’s Violin Concerto in A minor Op.3 No,6 – 1st Movement |
9 TO 12 | One Piece within 3 Minutes | One Piece Between 4 to 5 Minutes | |
13 TO 17 | One Piece within 4 Minutes | One Piece Between 5 to 6 Minutes | Beriot’s Violin Concerto No. 9 in A minor Op.104 – 1st Movement |
18 TO 35 | One Piece within 5 Minutes | One Piece Between 6 to 7 Minutes | Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor Op.64 – 1st Mvt, OR
Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major K. 216 – 1st Mvt. |
* If the entire original piece cannot be played within the time limit, it is possible to omit some parts of the piece.
* The orchestral part of the Violin concerto will be accompanied by a piano whom each applicant will choose and perform together.
How to apply for the preliminary round
Please download the application form here, fill it out, convert it into a PDF file, and send it to the organizer by email or mail it to the secretariat. Our office will contact you to confirm receipt and provide payment instructions.
■ ← Download of Application Form (PDF)
■ ← Download of Application Form (Word)
Email address for submission: info@kazelfacorp.com
Post Address for submission: Kazelfa Corporation, GSIMS Japan Preliminary Competition Administration office
Renkoji 1-14-2, Tama City, Tokyo, 206-0021
*If you have difficulty downloading the application form and would like the application form to be mailed to you, please contact the office. We will mail it to you.
Registration Deadline
Submission by email:Friday, 16th, February, 2024 – 24:00 (JST)
Submission by post:Valid until postmarked on the Tuesday, 13th February 2024
[CONTACT] GSIMC Japan Competition Administration Office
TEL: 042-372-8860 MAIL: info@kazelfacorp.com
Co-Organizer KAZELFA Corporation
Final Competition & Gala Concert
Friday, 19th – Sunday, 21st, April, 2024
klpac, Kuala Lumpur Performing Art Center, Malaysia
Visit Gold Star International Music Competition for details.
- Eligibility:
The Gold Star International Music Competition 2024 welcomes participants of all nationalities up
to Age 35. Younger participants are permitted to enter any category with a higher age limit.
- Fees:
All fees are non-refundable and must be remitted in full upon submission. Refund requests for
withdrawals after the online application has been submitted will not be entertained, regardless of
- Jury Decisions:
Decisions rendered by the competition’s esteemed jury hold the status of finality. Judges’
decisions are final and not subject to appeal.
- Contact with Jury Members:
It is strictly prohibited to initiate contact with any members of the jury prior to or during the course
of the competition.
- Age Group Determination:
The age group to which a participant belongs is determined by their year of birth, regardless of
their birth month. Entries submitted to an inappropriate age group shall be deemed ineligible.
- Application Completeness:
Applications will be considered complete only upon the receipt of all requisite documents,
accurate information, and the associated fees by Gold Star International Music Competition 2024.
- Repertoire Changes:
Once an application has been successfully processed, no alterations to the selected repertoire will
be allowed.
- Multiple Entries:
Participants are allowed the flexibility to submit multiple entries within the same category, as long
as they do not perform the same piece in different entries. Additionally, participants can also
participate in multiple categories, where performing the same piece in different categories is
- Performance Options for Preliminary:
Participants are encouraged to perform live in the preliminary round. However, if they are unable
to perform live, they may opt to submit a high-quality video recording of their performance for the
preliminary round. Please refer to ‘Video Submission Guidelines.’
- Advancement to Grand Final:
Gold Prize Winners in the Preliminary earn the privilege of advancing to the Grand Final of their
respective category.
- Grand Final Registration:
Finalists are required to complete a re-registration process for the Grand Final. Entry into this
phase is not automatic, and Finalists must confirm their participation.
- Registration Deadline for the Grand Final
The registration deadline for the Grand Final is March 20, 2024 (GMT+8). It is imperative to adhere
to this deadline.
- Availability on Grand Final:
Participants are encouraged to ensure their availability for the Grand Final scheduled from 19 to
21 April 2024 in Kuala Lumpur, in the event they advance to the final round.
- Schedule Adjustments
Participants should be aware that changes or adjustments to the schedule of masterclasses and
other engaging activities may occur due to unforeseen circumstances.
- Language Discrepancy Protocol: English Version Precedence Clause
In the event of any discrepancies between the English and other translations, the English version
shall take precedence.
- Repertoire Selections:
Participants are expected to demonstrate good taste and judgment in choosing their repertoire.
The selected pieces should reflect the standard repertoire within their respective genres. Choices
listed in the ABRSM, Trinity College London and AMEB graded & diploma syllabuses are deemed
- Acceptable Eras:
Chosen pieces must consist of established standard repertoires or published compositions
spanning from the Baroque era to the 21st Century. Jazz, pop, and rock compositions are
allowable only if they are part of the ABRSM, Trinity College London or AMEB exam syllabuses.
- Time Limit:
Participants are urged to ensure that their performances do not exceed the designated time limit
for each category.
- Piece Limitation:
Participants are allowed to perform only one selected piece in each category, excluding
Professional Categories (please refer to their specific requirements). In the instance of
compositions with multiple movements, such as a Sonata, Concerto, or Suite, each movement is
considered a separate piece.
- Performance and Repeats:
The selected piece must be performed in its entirety without any omitted parts. Repetitions within
the chosen piece are at the discretion of the participant; however, all da capo and dal segno
instructions should be observed.
- Grand Final Performance Choice:
Finalists are not obliged to perform the same piece(s) in the Grand Final, except for concertos.
- Performance from Memory:
Memorization is encouraged but not required for Preliminary. No extra marks will be given for
memory. Finalists are expected to perform from memory, except for Ensemble and Solo Amateur
- Jury Discretion:
The Jury of the Gold Star International Music Competition reserves the right to:
Listen to a portion of the performance if they deem it sufficient for judgment
Withhold awards if the minimum required points are not achieved, following international
competition standards.
Decide on joint prizes or break ties in case of a draw.
- Minimum Points Requirement:
For each competition round and category, the following minimum points apply::
Gold Prize – 80 points and above
Silver Prize – 70 points and above
Bronze Prize – 60 points and above
Grand Final:
First Prize – Awarded to the top-scoring participant in the category with a minimum of 90 points.
Second Prize – Awarded to the second-highest scoring participant in the category with a
minimum of 85 points.
Third Prize – Awarded to the third-highest scoring participant in the category with a minimum of
80 points.
Honorable Mention – Granted at the discretion of the Jury Panel.
- Grand Final Registration Fee:
To participate in the Grand Final, Finalists are required to pay a registration fee.
- Category Adjustments:
The Gold Star International Music Competition reserves the right to combine or divide age group
categories as necessary based on the number of participants.
- Prize Limitations and Changes:
The Gold Star International Music Competition reserves the right to limit the total number of
awards for each category and may alter the value and type of awards without prior notice.
- Participant Expenses:
All participants and accompanying members are responsible for their own expenses, and no
reimbursements will be provided.
- Public Rounds and Observers:
The live rounds of the Gold Star International Music Competition are open to the public.
Participants and their associates may observe all competition classes.
All individuals wishing to observe live competition rounds (including parents, teachers, and page
turners) are required to purchase a pass.
- Liability and Rights:
The Gold Star International Music Competition holds no liability for illness, injury, or damage
during the competition or related journeys.
The Gold Star International Music Competition has unrestricted rights to film, broadcast,
photograph, and record any part of the participant’s involvement, including rehearsals and
performances. Participants agree to waive any claims to financial rewards arising from the
distribution or use of such recordings.
- Compliance and Acceptance:
Participants must strictly adhere to the application rules, including the submission of all requested
documents. By submitting the Application Form, participants are deemed to agree to and comply
with the Gold Star International Music Competition Rules & Regulations and Terms & Conditions.
- Instrument and Tuning:
Performances must be played on well-tuned instrument(s).
- Introduction:
At the beginning of the video, clearly announce your name(s), competition category, and provide
the title and composer of the music you will be performing.
- Camera Placement:
Use one single camera for recording.
The camera should be positioned at a distance and angle that offers a full side profile view of the
pianist and/or a front profile view of other instrumentalists or vocalists.
Ensure the camera captures the performer(s) from the top of the head to the feet, including the
fingers on the instrument(s).
The camera must remain completely stationary throughout the performance.
- Continuous Recording:
The entire performance must be recorded in one continuous take, without any cuts or edits.
- Video Resolution:
The video resolution should not be lower than 720p to ensure clarity and quality.
- Video Upload:
Upload your video to YouTube (preferred), or alternatively, you may use Google Drive, Dropbox, or
any other viable platform.
Ensure the video’s privacy settings allow for viewing by the competition organizers.
- Disqualification for Non-Compliance:
Failure to record in accordance with the above requirements may result in disqualification from the
These recording rules aim to ensure that all participants have an equal opportunity to showcase
their talent and skills while maintaining a fair and consistent evaluation process for the Gold Star
International Music Competition 2024.