チェコ エルマルコ社製電界紡糸(エレクトロスピニング)装置の販売

NS Air Conditioning Unit

NS Air Conditioning Unit

Precision Air Conditioning for electrospinning process

The Nanospider™ Air Conditioning („NS AC“) product family is the first set of industrial caliber precision air conditioning peripherals explicitly designed to meet the needs of precision fiber production and other sensitive manufacturing processes. The NS AC units provide outstanding accuracy and precision of output humidity and temperature across a broad range of ambient environments – output temperature accuracy +/- 1 °C and output humidity accuracy +/- 3% RH.

The NS AC150, NS AC1000 and NS AC2000 are designed for specific Nanospider™ equipment needs in moderate regions and environments. The NS AC product line provides sufficient capacity for industrial nanofiber production and variable performance for experimental work as well.

NS AC150 NS AC1000 NS AC2000
Process air INLET: 150 m3/hour 1000 m3/hour 2000 m3/hour
INLET temperature: 18.0 – 30.0 °C 18.0 – 30.0 °C 18.0 – 30.0 °C
INLET humidity: 1.5 – 13.0 g/kg 1.5 – 13.0 g/kg 1.5 – 13.0 g/kg
OUTLET temperature: 20.0 – 25.0 °C 20.0 – 25.0 °C 20.0 – 25.0 °C
OUTLET specific humidity: 1.5 – 9.0 g/kg 1.5 – 9.0 g/kg 1.5 – 9.0 g/kg
OUTLET temperature accuracy: +/- 1 °C +/- 1 °C +/- 1 °C
OUTLET humidity accuracy: +/- 3% RH +/- 3% RH +/- 3% RH
External pressure: 200 Pa 200 Pa 200 Pa

Relative to p = 1013 mbar and σ = 1.2 kg/m3

NS AC units product profile (PDF | 1100 kB)


KAZELFA Corporation
Tel: 042-372-8860  Email: info@kazelfacorp.com

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